There were few important events on Monday, but some of them are worth your attention:
Japanese Prime Minister Abe commented the necessity to enlarge stimulus. He underlined on Monday that he was going to apply to the Council for Economic and Financial Policy. However, there are no exact figures on how large this stimulus might be.
The Bank of Japan has issued the Corporation Prices Index, which has shown growth on October. On 0,3%. It was underlined that this is the second growth in a row.
Laybour Party has declared the necessity for the Prime Minister to leave in case if the agreement between the UK and the EU will fail. The party representative think also that it is possible to conduct another referendum in this case.
French economy may preserve its growth in Q4 according to the head of Bank of France. This growth may reach 0,4%.
The member of Bank of England Broadbent commented the Brexit again. He thinks that the UK is going to leave the Union in 2019. Broadbent has declared also that he sees some signs of economic growth slowing.
The head of Euro commission has underlined on Monday that there is a kind of temporary peace treaty between the EU and USA related to their commercial conflict. However, experts think that USA is going to impose taxes on cars in 2019.
Junker commented Italy as well. He is concerned about Rome is broken EU budget rules.
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