Trading cryptocurrencies is associated with considerable risks. Cryptocurrencies’ cost may dramatically fluctuate within one day, which may cause assets loss while performing trading operations on buying or selling cryptocurrencies. This peculiarity results from the fact, that the cost of cryptocurrencies is not secured by any state or central bank that can influence the liquidity and availability on the market. Cryptocurrencies trade significantly differs from trading official currencies that are supported by the government or financial institutions, and, in general, depends on technologies and users’ trust. Cryptocurrencies are autonomous, decentralized, partially anonymous systems that rely on the peer net and cryptography in order to maintain its entirety. Credence to such currencies may decrease in response to sudden changes in software or creating advanced competitive alternate currencies, as well as the deflation or inflation spiral.
Credence to cryptocurrencies may collapse due to technical problems, for instance, if anonymity of the system is discredited, if funds are lost or stolen resulting from a hackers’ attack or a sudden government regulation that can cancel any transactions within the state. We cannot take responsibility for securing a trading rate, as well as a round-the-clock access to the electronic trading system, breaks in quotes and trade caused by technical problems of the system. Trading cryptocurrencies can be terminated at any moment with carrying out clearing payments at the latest available price before the trade stops, or at the other price available on the existing trading floors on the market.
Company has the right to alter the leverage, and, also, introduce additional restrictions into trading amounts for new and existing deals, and other trading conditions. The company does not carry any responsibility for the speed and duration of the execution deals on cryptocurrencies. It should also be considered, that during serious movements substantial breaks in prices and time of quotes, exceeding in their scale any similar situations that can be seen on the other trading instruments offered by the Company, are possible. Moreover, additional risks, that we could not foresee and specify in our trading conditions, can emerge. You should carefully evaluate whether your financial state and attitude to risk are appropriate for buying, selling or trading cryptocurrencies.
Trading accounts for real trade with the standard lot size and minimum contract step.
If you consider yourself not to be ready for work on real trading accounts or there are still not tested trading strategies, - we recommend proceeding to opening a training account.