So, after a demonstrative account registration and assessment of its interface optimization, testing a terminal for the speed of respond and prices updating, it is time to determine trading hours.
It goes without saying, that staying the whole day at the computer is exhausting, inefficient and senseless. This is due to the fact, that there are periods during the day when price graphics fluctuations are better and the movement is more predicted. It is the best time for trade.
It is essential to understand, that Digital contracts market is strictly pegged to work of real world stock exchanges. That is why, it is better to trade during intersection of main markets work.
The optimum hours are considered to be:
Time from 9:00 to 11:00 – the time of Asian and European stock exchanges work intersection. Currency pairs Yen/ Euro, Yuan/ Euro, oil and European and Asian companies’ shares are actively traded.
Time from 15:00 to 17:00 – the period of intersection of opening trades on American market and an active phase of European stock exchange work. Oil, currency pairs Euro/ Dollar, Pound/ Dollar are active as well.
For those who like to work during night hours, there is an Digital contracts to work from midnight (time of American stock exchange closing) to three o’clock in the morning. Strategies with low volatility, trading indicators, and so on, work well during this period of time.
When choosing the time for trade, the fact of force-majeure and unpredictability should be taken into consideration. Thuswise, the majority of experts do not recommend opening deals on Friday evening or Monday morning. It is related to the high level of market unpredictability at this time. Trade at this time will be compared to bets “red-black” in a casino.
Trading accounts for real trade with the standard lot size and minimum contract step.
If you consider yourself not to be ready for work on real trading accounts or there are still not tested trading strategies, - we recommend proceeding to opening a training account.